
HCC Taber

Standard room + extra bed

  • 最高3人
  • 19m2
  • 3 シングルベッド
1泊131€ より


このお部屋は、1 x 2 メートルのツインベッド 2 台を備えたダブルルームで構成されており、0.90 x 2 メートルのエキストラベッドと組み合わせると、3 名様での宿泊に最適です。 寄木細工の床、薄型衛星テレビ、無料Wi-Fiインターネット接続、ワークデスク、エアコン、暖房、電話、外部ランドリーサービスが備わっています。 リクエストに応じてアイロンとアイロン台を提供しており、フロントでは強力なヘアドライヤーを提供しています。



  • アイロン
  • 書斎机
  • テレビ
  • 電話
  • エアコン
  • 暖房
  • ミニバー(有料)
  • セーフティーボックス(無料)
  • 有線LAN(無料)
  • 無料Wi-Fi
  • 寄木張りの床
  • 浴槽付きシャワー
  • ドライヤー

1.- 日にちを選んでくください

Barcelona, May 13th 2020

Our highest priority is the health of our customers and employees for this in HCC Hotels is still working hard to provide new and enhanced sanitization and cleaning protocols for a safe stay in our HOTELS.

  • Provision of disinfectant gel in public areas of the hotel.
  • Training adapted for our staff depending on the work department.
  • Equipment for staff with the necessary protection systems.
  • Intensification of cleaning and disinfection in rooms and in public areas.
  • Reduction in capacity and respect for the minimum safety distances established throughout the hotel.
  • Adaptation and constant updating of protocols with new security measures against COVID19 at all times.

As always, we will continue offering personalized service, as we have known over more than 25 years of experience.

We hope to see you soon! We are one step closer to achieving it!

Barcelona, March 24th 2020

It is time to take care of each other!

Following the instructions of the Central Government, we communicate that all HCC Hotels will remain closed until the state of alarm ends. The safety of our employees and customers is and has always been our highest priority.

However, we continue to work from home, so we are available by phone (+34) 934817350 or e-mail hcc@hcchotels.es for any questions you have about your reservations.

At HCC Hotels, we want to send everyone all our support: we will overcome this situation together!

Thank you very much to all.